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Prestashop API for Ruby


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'prestashop', git: ''

Use branch: 'master' for local repository in case of bundler global config


Create new client for connect to your Prestashop WebService

Prestashop::Client::Implementation.create 'api_key', 'api_url'

Now you are able to communicate with Prestashop WebService


To call API request directly you can use this class.

Head / Check

Call HEAD on WebService API, returns +true+ if was request successfull or raise error, when request failed.

Prestashop::Client.head :customer, 2 # => true
Prestashop::Client.check :customer, 3 # => true
Get / Read

Call GET on WebService API, returns parsed Prestashop response or raise error, when request failed.

Prestashop::Client.get :customer, 1       # => {id: 1 ...} :customer, [1,2]  # => [{id: 1}, {id: 2}]

When you are using get, you can also filter, sort or limit response. In case, when you need to get all users you need to set user id as nil

Available options:

Post / Create

Call POST on WebService API, returns parsed Prestashop response if was request successfull or raise error, when request failed. :customer, { name: 'Steve' } # => true
Put / Update

Call PUT on WebService API, returns parsed Prestashop response if was request successfull or raise error, when request failed.

Prestashop::Client.put :customer, 1, {surname: 'Jobs'} # => true
Prestashop::Client.update :customer, 1, {nope: 'Jobs'} # => false
Delete / Destroy

Call DELETE on WebService API, returns +true+ if was request successfull or raise error, when request failed.

Prestashop::Client.delete :customer, 1 # => true


For better handling with Prestashop is there Mapper class, that will map all Prestashop features to Ruby classes.

List of objects can be found on gem docs.

Base methods used in every model


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request